Without Goals, How do you know where to go?

December! How did we get here? Plus, it’s December of 2021. Can you believe it has been a year since we were saying we could not wait for 2020 to be over? Can I ask you a question… What have you accomplished this year? Did you set goals last year, say this would be the year you made your dreams come true? If you have had a hard time setting and sticking to goals, today’s post is for you. I break down how I was able to set and start achieving goals to get me to how I want my life to look.

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“Wait, my daughter, until you find out what happens.” Ruth 3:18

I will tell you a secret, until 2019, I was not a goal setter; I never really needed them. When I set my mind to something and made it happen, but I always felt like I was on a hamster wheel, living for the next task or project.

It all changed in 2019

I sat down and thought about what I wanted my life to look like and my priorities. It turns out they are pretty simple. Relationship with God and Faith, Family, Work, ie. Real Estate, Friends, Personally who I wanted to be. This exercise helped me find the bigger picture for my life. Some people use this and make a vision board, but that has never really been me. I make lists. So many sticky note lists!



So I wrote down if I got the outcome I hoped for in every situation, what would my life look like in 5 years for each of these categories. Spoiler Alter! I found that they were all connected, and I also found that some of my priorities needed sub grubs. When I started looking at who I wanted to be and how I wanted to show up for my family, I found I would need to change the structure of the way real estate looked, and real estate would need subgroups. You can see some of those changes on my page.

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“Whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill

Today on December 1!

I am amazed at what I have accomplished in the last year. Genuinely grateful for the success and growth I have discovered! I read the Bible cover to cover, am back involved in church, have started volunteering again, and found an opportunity that Jake can join.  Reorganized my businesses and can work from anywhere, created my website, and worked with a fantastic branding coach! (click here if you need one, Kim is the best!) The list goes on and on.

Where to in 2022?

From this place of gratitude, I am excited to work on my goals for 2022. With the larger picture in mind and new opportunities open for me to imagine, these goals will be larger than I could have imagined last year!
What does your larger goal look like, and what steps are you taking in 2022 to make it there?

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Katherine Blazer

Realtor, Lender, Investor